Volatility Box – August 7, 2019

One of the most popular requests we have received is for daily price movement ranges, in addition to hourly ranges. We’ve been working away in our labs, refining our models and rigorously backtesting.

It’s almost here.

A sneak peak at a P/L table comparing using the Volatility Box’s Daily Price Movement Ranges (DPMR) vs. AutoChartist’s DPMR for yesterday’s activity. 

Both the hourly and daily Volatility Box ranges are proving to be incredibly powerful and consistently profitable.

Stop guessing where price movement will actually exhaust, or using models where you need to add in a “magical” buffer zone. Our models allow you to adapt to today’s volatility, in real-time and help you profit. 

If you’re excited about process-driven trading based on probabilities, you’re in the right place.