All ThinkOrSwim Indicators

Download our free and premium ThinkOrSwim indicators, and turn TOS into your personal trading assistant

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Let us help you turn your trading strategy into a powerful indicator, scan and backtester.

Trend Squeeze Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Trend Squeeze

Use ChatGPT to build a ThinkOrSwim volume indicator with multi-symbol tracking and volume intensity color-coding for quick, clear analysis.

Using ChatGPT to Create a Volume Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Volume Intensity

Use ChatGPT to build a ThinkOrSwim volume indicator with multi-symbol tracking and volume intensity color-coding for quick, clear analysis.

Parabolic SAR Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Parabolic SAR

Build a better Parabolic SAR indicator, that allows you to predict reversals before they happen.

Smarter MACD Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Smarter MACD

Learn how to build a powerful MACD indicator with built-in higher time frame analysis. Download for free on our website!

Candle Counter for ThinkOrSwim

Candle Counter

Download this free indicator to easily analyze your favorite markets, and compare red vs. green candles to find patterns and trends.

Moving Average Clouds for ThinkOrSwim

Moving Average Clouds

A simple, yet powerful Moving Average Clouds indicator, to easily spot trends and reversals. Free download!

Dollar Cost Average Calculator for ThinkOrSwim

DCA Calculator Pro

You will need a Volatility Box membership in order to access this page.

Dividend Yield Pro Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Dividend Yield Pro

You will need a Volatility Box membership in order to access this page.

Dividend Yield Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Dividend Yield

Analyze the current dividend yield vs. the historical yield in your favorite markets, and find hidden gems with outperformance.

Stacked Moving Averages

Stacked Moving Averages

Find the best trends with our free Stacked Moving Averages indicator. We’ll show you how to build it, and use it with your favorite EMA’s and SMA’s.

Average Volume Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Average Volume Stats

Analyze and compare today’s daily volume with historical volume in less than 1 second.

Super Bowl Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Super Bowl Indicator

Build your own Super Bowl indicator, and test how useful it has been in predicting stock market moves.

Bollinger Bands Reversal Indicator

Bollinger Bands Reversal

Build your own Bollinger Bands reversal indicator, by taking advantage of a popular reversal pattern.

Price to Book Value Ratio for ThinkOrSwim

Price to Book Value Ratio

Track the current and historical P/B ratio levels for any market, using our free P/B Ratio Indicator for ThinkOrSwim.

MTF Moving Averages

Multiple Time Frame Moving Averages

Add different timeframe moving averages to a specific chart, using a few lines of simple thinkScript code

Relative Performance Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Relative Performance Indicator for ThinkOrSwim (FREE)

Build a relative performance indicator, which lets you easily compare two symbols against each other and find outperformers

Rate of Change Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Rate of Change Indicator for ThinkOrSwim (FREE)

Learn how to build a smarter Rate of Change indicator for ThinkOrSwim in 23 minutes.

Opening Range Breakout Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Opening Range Breakout

A smarter and easy to use Opening Range Breakout indicator, allowing you to trade the strategy like a pro.

Historical PE Ratio for ThinkOrSwim

P/E Ratio

Track the current and historical P/E ratio levels for any market, using our free P/E Ratio Indicator for ThinkOrSwim.

Edge Signals Indicator for ThinkOrSwim

Edge Signals Pro

You will need a Volatility Box membership in order to access this page.

Have your own idea?

Let us help you turn your trading strategy into a powerful indicator, scan and backtester.