Beat the Market Makers
Turn ThinkOrSwim into your trading powerhouse, with our free indicators, scans, backtesters, research and more.
Indicators, scans, and backtesters
Average win rate across setups
Data points analyzed every single week
How We're Different
Our mission is to empower you to become an independent trader. We show you how to build your own tools (from scratch), and piece them together to create trading strategies that work for you (and your trading style).
While most of our competitors charge hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of dollars for "game-changing indicators", we give away most of our tools for 100% free.
Average True Range
Use the Average True Range to find stocks with high and low volatility, triggering high probability setups.
Parabolic SAR
Build a better Parabolic SAR indicator, that allows you to predict reversals before they happen.
Monthly Watchlist Scan
A powerful scan that finds you the best seasonality patterns and trends, every single month.
Smarter MACD
Learn how to build a powerful MACD indicator with built-in higher time frame analysis. Download for free on our website!
Candle Counter
Download this free indicator to easily analyze your favorite markets, and compare red vs. green candles to find patterns and trends.
Moving Average Clouds
A simple, yet powerful Moving Average Clouds indicator, to easily spot trends and reversals. Free download!
TTM Squeeze Dots
Scan for five TTM Squeeze dots in a row, with stacked moving averages. Download the shared links for free, and learn how to build your own scans.
Dividend Yield
Analyze the current dividend yield vs. the historical yield in your favorite markets, and find hidden gems with outperformance.
Stacked Moving Averages
Scan for bullish and bearish stacked moving averages with our free scans. Download the shared links for free, and learn how to build your own scans.
Stacked Moving Averages
Find the best trends with our free Stacked Moving Averages indicator. We’ll show you how to build it, and use it with your favorite EMA’s and SMA’s.
Average Volume Stats
Analyze and compare today’s daily volume with historical volume in less than 1 second.
Super Bowl Indicator
Build your own Super Bowl indicator, and test how useful it has been in predicting stock market moves.
Bollinger Bands Reversal
Build your own Bollinger Bands reversal indicator, by taking advantage of a popular reversal pattern.
Santa Claus Rally Backtester
Backtest how often Santa Claus Rally occurs in the S&P 500, and all of your favorite markets.
Price to Book Value Ratio
Track the current and historical P/B ratio levels for any market, using our free P/B Ratio Indicator for ThinkOrSwim.
Upcoming Earnings Scan
Learn how to scan for upcoming earnings in ThinkOrSwim using two simple methods.
Multiple Time Frame Moving Averages
Add different timeframe moving averages to a specific chart, using a few lines of simple thinkScript code
TTM Squeeze Histogram Backtester
Backtest the TTM Squeeze Histogram on any market, to measure how effective the histogram is with timing momentum shifts.
SPY Meltdown Backtester
Backtest what tends to happen in after a massive sell-off in the markets. Do we see continued selling, or do buyers have a short-term rally?
Relative Performance Indicator for ThinkOrSwim (FREE)
Build a relative performance indicator, which lets you easily compare two symbols against each other and find outperformers
Our Signature Tools
We're a small team of data scientists and engineers, passionate about discovering hidden edges in the markets.
Stock Volatility Box
10,000+ Stocks and ETFs supported
Futures Volatility Box
10,000+ Stocks and ETFs supported
Opening Range Breakouts
13,000+ stocks and ETFs supported
Volatility Box models
Volatility Trading, Simplified
Profit from hidden quant-based levels in the markets, with our easy-to-read Volatility Box models.
We study 34,000+ data points every week, and build predictive models to help you pinpoint the best entry and exit prices for stocks, futures, microfutures, and ETFs.
Volatility Box Membership Includes:
We do our best to make the Volatility Box a no-brainer decision. It is an all-inclusive membership, that includes all of our premium indicators, courses, and ThinkOrSwim tools.
Opening range breakout platform
Find the Best ORB Setups
The ORB Platform combs through more than 150,000 setups every morning, to find you the best opening range breakouts triggering real-time.
ORB Live Scanner
Instantly find the best setups real-time, with built-in backtests
ORB Backtester
2+ years of intraday data to analyze win rates, P/L, and trade expectancy.
Detailed Trade Cards
Easy-to-read score cards to decide whether to trade or skip.
Optimized Charts
Fast, lightweight charts tailored specifically for the ORB strategy.
Why 35,000+ Traders Use Our Indicators
I create my watchlist every week, and sell ATM spreads whenever I get alert notification. Great setup for weekly income
Jyoti S.
Stock Volatility Box
Really loved the service, it's been awesome-I've loved the weekly updates, and additional edge that the tools have provided.
Danny K.
Volatility Box Bundle
It is actually the only setup where I have consistently made profits day trading futures. So keep up the good work.
Kent P.
Futures Volatility Box
You are a godsend! I don't know coding like this but recently I've been learning about the TTM squeeze and stacked MAs. I am just so grateful you took the time to explain everything in such great detail.
Kirkhart S.
TTM Squeeze Dashboard
Amazing work!!! I love watching your scripting videos and learn to try my own variations when possible. I have to say if it was not for your videos I would have either gave up trying to script or paid for the indicators.
Nick P.
Simple Breakout Tool
Thanks for sharing. You are the best site to learn thinkscript.
Kasu S.
Advanced VZO
Thank you much! This was exactly what I've been wanting to add to my TOS charts. Appreciate your work!!
Graham M.
Moving Average Clouds
You put out the best TOS thinkScript tutorials. Keep them coming!!!!
Konstantin B.
TTM Squeeze Dashboard
Our Latest Trade Reports
We aim to publish videos 2-3x a week, with new trade ideas, research, and tutorials.
This TTM Squeeze Setup Has a 41-2 Win Rate Over 30 Years
Over the past 30 years, this squeeze setup has won 41 times, and lost only twice. This same setup is triggering again today! I’ll share the specific squeeze strategy in this video, along with the backtest stats.
Watch NowWhich Outperforms in October? (AAPL vs. NVDA)
Find out which market, AAPL or NVDA, consistently has outperformed in October over the past 20 years.
Watch NowWhen to Short a New High?
Look out for these four signs to know exactly when it’s worth shorting a new 52-week high vs. skipping.
Watch Now