Volatility Box – September 26, 2019

Join Us for the Trader’s Symposium 2019

In tonight’s video, we cover the trades that took place in several index markets, 30-Yr Bonds, and Crude Oil.

All of our trades were winners today, which was refreshing to see after the trades from earlier in the week. These are the probabilities we are used to seeing (and trading) with the Volatility Box. 

We had a total of 6 trades, for a net P/L of +$1,797.50.

We are also excited to announce that we will be presenting the Volatility Box at the Traders Symposium 2019, alongside some legend traders including Ophir Gottlieb, Jeff Hirsch, Keith Gallagher, to name a few.

Details are provided below for those that would like to join us. 


Sign up for a 30-day risk free trial to start trading with the Volatility Box.